7KW Charging Station for Electric Vehicles

€999,00 €499,00 SAVE 50%

Shipping and Returns

We offer free shipping! Please note that it takes an average of 1 to 3 business days to process your order before shipping it out. Rest assured, we are doing everything in our power to get your order to you as soon as possible! Once your order ships, depending on your country or region, the estimated delivery time is 5 to 10 days. Please consider any holidays that may affect the delivery time.

For pre-order or backordered items:
If your order contains a pre-order or backorder item, we will ship all available items immediately, and we will ship pre-order or backorder items immediately as soon as they become available. So if you ordered more than one item in one order and only received part of your item, don't worry, you will receive the other items shortly after.

Tracking your order:
You will receive a confirmation email and/or SMS, if you have provided a mobile number, containing a tracking ID and a link to follow the journey of your package. To track your package you can visit our tracking page. If you are unsure of your tracking ID, please use our order lookup form located here. Please allow 1 to 3 business days for your tracking information to appear.

We have a 30-day return policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a return.

Free return within 30 days, after 30 days the customer must pay the shipping costs.

You can always contact us for any questions about returns at support@wadapower.eu.
For telephone contacts call: +393510343588

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Wifi inexistant

Tout fonctionne trs bien depuis la mise jour !

Borne efficace mais coupler avec un WADA POWER DLB

Borne facile installer, 32A soit 7kWh en monophas ce qui simplifie la recharge domicile si l'on doit repartir rapidement mais si vous avez beaucoup de matriels lectriques chez vous (radiateurs lec, plaque de cuisson etc etc) et un contrat de 9kW, il y a rapidement moyen de faire disjoncter la maison. Pour palier ?a, mon sens, l'installation du WADA POWER DLB est quasi obligatoire pour ne plus se poser de question pendant la recharge. Le module gre la borne et lui indique en temps rel la puissance max qu'elle peut dlivrer en fonction du reste des consommateurs de la maison.


Soddisfatto al 100%